Miguel Ortega Mier PhD (UPM Madrid)
M. Ortega-Mier obtained his PhD in Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Currently, he develops his research and teaching activities in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Business Administration and Statistics, at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain. His main areas of interest are lean, optimization, metaheuristics and discrete event simulation. Among other subjects, he teaches Operations Management and Operations Research.
Miguel is a professor in the Vehicle Engineering Master (INSIA) of the UPM and of distance education courses of this same university. He participates in several research projects budgeted by the Education and Fomento Ministries. Miguel has authored several book chapters and papers in research journals (Studies in Computational Intelligence, Int. J. Manufacturing Technology and Management, etc.)
Chris Hicks (University Newcastle)
United Kingdom
Christian Hicks is Professor of Operations Management at Newcastle University Business School. He is Director of the Management of Operations, Strategy and Technology Research Group and is an Assistant Director of the Engineering Design Centre. Chris is a Chartered Engineer with extensive experience of manufacturing. The overall aim of the Management of Operations Strategy and Technology Research group is to conduct world-class research that helps manufacturing and service providers improve their competitiveness. We also seek to influence regional policy. There are two main research themes: quantitative research (modelling and optimisation of manufacturing systems including layout, planning and control) and qualitative research (including design management, supply chain management, lean/agile supply and operations strategy).
Chris is currently working with One NorthEast, the local regional development agency, local companies and a range of European partners on an Interreg project that aims to disseminate Lean expertise throughout the North Sea region.
Norbert D'Hiet
Mr. Norbert D'hiet holds a Masterdegree in vocational training & selection, a Masterdegree in Industrial psychology and a Post Graduate in Business Administration from the renowned Vlerick Management School.
After different assignments in both private companies and governmental bodies, he joined Case New Holland where he was responsible for personnel and internal communication. Later, he became personnel manager and member of the board.
He then has worked ten years as General Manager HR at Toyota Motor Europe. He was a Member of the Global HR Committee of Toyota Corporation, Co-ordinator of Toyota European Forum (European Works Council) and Chairman of the Belgian Works Council.
International experts guarantee objective and widespread reference.
The IIBLC® certificates are of an outstanding quality and unique reference thanks to the appointed Content Committee.
Members of the Content Committee are international experts in the field of Lean. Together they compose one single reference guide which is referred to as ‘Book Of Knowledge’. In other words, they agree upon the exact level each candidate has to acquire and make up the corresponding tests.
The content committee will continuously adapt and update the book of knowledge, in order to keep track of recent evolutions and trends in the field of Lean.
The content committee will also function as a jury to evaluate the practical cases studies of candidate black belts in lean and champions in lean.
Initially, the Content Committee represents countries where Lean is common practice and which represents a western European north to south axis.