Useful links
Portal website which lists Lean-related websites
5S Study and Research Page - CSS Research and Education Center
Interesting webpage containing good info about a basic Lean "tool": 5S
Lean Blog
Mark Graban's blog on Lean, primarily in healthcare.
Institute for Operational Excellence
The Institute for Operational Excellence is a recognized leader and expert resource for organizations and individuals who want to design their enterprise to achieve Operational Excellence.
Continuous flow vs. batch production (1 min. simulation)
In case you need some simple, hard evidence that continuous flow is faster than batch production. Don't put up the sound too high!
Lean at Atlas Copco Belgium (Dutch)
In this video, Atlas Copco Belgium showcases its Lean approach.
Atlas Copco and Lean
Newsitem published on website of Flemish Quality Centre in 2013 (Dutch)